Please Note : I've working on an update to use the new 2D system in Unity3d 4.3.
uTriggers is a full trigger system that lets you set-up links between different GameObjects. With a default set of message you can send to them - Like Deactivate to stop a GameObject from updating.
This lets the designers set-up game logic and game play without the need of a coder. uTriggers system lets you see all of your links in the Unity scene editor so just by selecting your GameObject or a group of GameObjects you will see how they are all linked together.
See the examples and demo game here
Any GameObject in your scene that needs to send or receive messages just derive your C# script from my 'Trigger_Base' This will give you some default options in the inspector.
My State is the current state of this object - can be ACTIVE,DEACTIVATED and others
Talk On is when to send the messages - like ACTIVATION, DEATH, PLAYER_IN and others
Game Object List is the list of object we will send messages to.
Send Message is the message to send - ACTIVATE, DEACTIVATE, KILL and others
Any selected GameObject using Trigger_Base will display all the items it's linked too.
Triggers list
Trigger_Base Trigger_Collider Trigger_Timer Trigger_Counter Trigger_Sound Trigger_Animator Trigger_Camera Trigger_PositionMarker Trigger_PathList Trigger_PathNode Trigger_PathRunner Trigger_PathCameraENUMS
My State Talk On Send Message