The “Titfield Station & Film Set” layout is inspired by the Ealing Studios filmcomedy, “TheTitheld Thunderbolt”. Filmed on location in June and July of 1952.the movie was shot in various parts of Somerset. Gloucestershire, Oxfordshireand London. as well as in the Studio. The completed film was premiered inMarch 1953 (HM Queen's Coronation Year). Since the layout’s last exhibitionappearance, when it used kit and scratch built rolling stock, with DC control. ithas been modified and extended to bring it up to modern standards. After theintroduction of the Rapido Trains “Titfield Thunderbolt Deluxe Train Pack”. thelayout is now operating with full sound and DCC digital control. Voice extracts,taken from the film soundtrack. can be heard to match the action you can see infront of you. The layout itself combines together some of the features and loca-tions found in the movie but brought together in one place. Look out for thecrowds waving from the bridge. the squire’s Bullnose Morris Cowley car, thesteam roller. the water-tower (a studio built prop.) and Pearse & Crump's bus.The film crews are on hand with their cameras, flood-lights and recording geartogether with the production personnel and studio mini bus.