Fall Mill

Fort Whiting

Fenn Street Yard

O gauge

When the warehouses and industrial area was built by the local Landowner and MP, Sir Jedidiah Mortlake, the nearby river was a convenient source for the move- ment of goods. However. over time the river began to silt up making transport of said goods more difficult. Conveniently at this time the local mainline railway company proposed to build a branch line to a nearby town. Sir Jedidiah studying the proposed route realised that by a smalt change of route his industrial area could be connected to the mainline. but the railway company refused his sug- gestion. Outraged and determined to keep his business profitable and out of spite he decided to build his own industrial railway from Fenn Street down to the branch line, operated by his own locomotives. Fen St yard as depicted in the lay- out is now coming towards the end of its useful life. Sir Jedidiah is long gone. and accountants have taken over. For them the railway is not profitable so it will be run down so that they have a convenient excuse to transfer any business left to road transport. In reality the layout has been built to show that you don't need masses of room to have an absorbing model railway in 0 gauge. The original lay- out builder has moved on to another layout and Fenn Street Yard was acquired. This is our second layout available on the exhibition circuit and among our small circle of friends two more are under construction!